You remember those days,
warm in the early morning
but with a trace of night dew
still carried in the breeze,
sitting alone by the water
realizing you are never alone.

It is part of you.
The sea is your blood.
The wind is your breath.
The rock is your bone.

All gods are one.
All men are one.

We stand by the pool
of watery moonlight
watching, weaving,
waiting for Ragnarok.

We flow, anointing the earth,
swimming in the sea,
flying in the wind,
sculpting in the rock.

We are daughters and sisters,
lovers and healers.
We are mothers of the one
and the all.

We are the fertility
of imagination and destiny.
We are the keepers of fire
and water, rock and ice.

We are the scent of lilacs
and lilies, pumpkins and
apples, bistort and sage.

We are women.
Solitude does not exist.

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This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. klsilver

    WOW! Just…WOW! This is gorgeous!
    We are WOMEN – hear us ROAR…

  2. Alexandra

    Thank you, my dear friend and fellow weaver of tales! 🙂

  3. MartieCoetser

    Beautiful, profound, and thought-provoking. Sometimes solitude becomes the desperate wish of an unhappy soul, just to disappear when the right company appears.

  4. Rob Welsh

    Wow… this Man simply Loves the verse of this Woman Alex. It’s so good I want to join your ranks!!!

  5. Alexandra

    Randi, thank you! I’m so glad you like it 🙂

  6. Alexandra

    Martie, thank you very much. Yes, I think that is often the case. There is nothing like being connected to something or someone else to remind us what a beautiful gift life is!

  7. Alexandra

    Thank you so much for the kind words, Rob. You may certainly join the ranks—you are already part of it all 🙂

  8. Vincent Moore

    Your beautiful poetry always flows like the ocean tides that ebb and flow in your beautiful isle.

  9. susanzutautas

    I love this!

  10. Alexandra

    Thank you, Susan! Water in all its forms inspires so much!

  11. Alexandra

    Thank you, Vincent. It is indeed beautiful here.

  12. Wayne Barrett

    I missed this one. so glad you reposted it. This is wonderful, and somehow soothing during the current craziness.

  13. Alexandra

    Thank you, Wayne. I found myself drawn to reading it again in the midst of all this.

  14. Nellieanna

    Simply beautiful and profound!

  15. Nellieanna

    I love it!

  16. Alexandra

    Thank you so much, Nellieanna!

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